My teacher gave me this as a mantra- sthira-sukham asanam. It means steadiness and ease in your practice.
It was given to me for two reasons- One, I have a problem…
You know this story, don't you? A hungry traveler entertains a village woman by showing her how to make soup from a stone. She and the interested villagers supply him…
A long time ago there was a people who lived on the land in joy
When they opened their eyes in the morning and looked on their loved ones they…
I was so unhappy and unsatisfied with my life, and it was so obvious, a couple of friends took me aside one day and said, look, we think you are depressed.…
Group Classes
Wednesdays 6 pm and 7:30 pm
Thursdays 10 am and 1 pm
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There's a lot of information about stress out there- pick up any lifestyle magazine and you'll get the 'Top 10 things how to de-stress now', or '30 days to a…