Have you found yourself creativity blocked? It doesn’t matter if it’s a hobby you love or part of your work. The trouble is, we can’t turn creativity on and off at will.
Here are 3 simple ways to get started. I recommend you build these activities into your week, and you will get immediate results from doing them right now. ?
1. Tune into the source of creativity
Firstly, You need to release the idea that it’s you who are creative. Encourage the idea that your ideas come from a limitless source of creativity and let them flow through you. Then, forget good or bad and get into the process.
For me, a lot of judgment surrounds art. I was critiqued as a young adult, and I began to doubt myself. The pleasure of creating was squashed by the idea that my art was good or bad. I often judged my work only to find that others appreciate it, or a little time puts a new perspective on it. Now I try to let go of analysis and expectation right from the start.
Julia Campbell, in her book “The Creative Way”, helped me to let go of these judgments by pointing out that art is a gift, and it comes from a higher source. This takes the pressure off.
Look at it this way: your ideas come to you for a reason. In the same manner, they are meant to be acted on and not creativity blocked
Whether you believe in God or not, there is an energy in everything that is continually being expressed. The same force that brought the universe into being. That’s where creativity comes from, and it’s our birthright, as every human has the ability to imagine and to build. (see my blog ‘Embrace Your Inner Artist‘)
To tune into this source, take the time on a regular basis to pray, meditate or just feel gratitude for the beauty and power of all creation. Set a time for this practice and a place. Bring to your mind everyday the truth that we are in a process of becoming, and that creativity is a gift, as natural as breathing.
2. Make art with a small ‘a’
Secondly, Forget about ‘Great Art’. You don’t have to paint a masterpiece or write an epic poem, that kind of thinking just stops us in our tracks!
Whatever your art, craft or hobby, take a break and try something new. You won’t expect to be a master. Mistakes and failures are part of creativity blocked. It’s easy to get caught up in the product- especially if your job involves creativity, so find time for play without having to worry about the end result.
Relax, inspiration flows from play. Put on your favorite music and dance, recite Shakespeare sonnets to a tree, or doodle. Take some time to fool around and you will likely find yourself humming that new tune you were seeking or visioning your next project.
Then, set a date with yourself once a week to see or try new things, enroll in a course to learn something you’ve always wanted to do. Like learn a language, ethnic cooking- or take a yoga class! Do this by yourself, it’s not a social practice, it’s just for you alone.
3. Fill your bucket
Thirdly, and most importantly, As an artist, we need to spend time absorbing- not just creating. Get out in nature, there’s nothing more soothing and beautiful.
Walking is what I love. Down to the creek, or a trip to the lake. You can bike, canoe or jog, but make sure to slow down and enjoy the sights and sounds. Wind and water and light will renew your soul and give you the relaxation and soothing that fills up your creative well.
In conclusion, We need to fill our bucket regularly. At any rate, we need to plan to get out of there every day for 20 minutes. Your body and mind will both benefit. The time spent on this will improve your productivity.
These are just a few ways to nurture your creativity.
Moreover, We all need to build routines that keep us healthy, and all the ideas we’ve just covered have multiple benefits. In conclusion, They don’t just remove creative blocks, they nurture us.
Frances Adamson is a certified Yoga Therapist, and an art and intuition coach in Durham Area Ontario.
Serving Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville, and Clarington.
20 Kingswood Drive, Courtice