Frances Adamson
Health Coach and Yoga Therapist
Frances has been training to help people explore their radiating “Core of Joy” most of her life. Her teacher is Rosemary Jeanes Antze, who she’s been studying with for over a decade. Rosemary teaches in the tradition of Krishnamacharya, as taught by Desikachar and Marylou Skelton. In the states this is called Viniyoga, examples include Gary Kraftsow and Mark Whitwell. Also called Yoga Therapy.
CALL (289) 928-7292 OR E-MAIL US
Courses and Credentials
Teacher Development: 2009 to present- on-going study, Rosemary Jeanes Anze of Toronto ON
Advanced Teacher Training: 2010-2013 500 hour training, Rosemary Jeanes Anze of Toronto ON
Teacher Training Certification: 1998- 240 hour course with Sandro Sammartion of Whiterock B.C
Standard First Aid & CPR C 2010, St. John’s Ambulance, Oshawa, ON
Yoga Festival Toronto: 2008 Yoga Therapy with Mark Whitwell
Yoga Spirit Toronto 2008 Moving from the Inner Body (20 h), Judith Hansen Lasiter
2008, Body-Mind Centering – the Endocrine System, (28 hr) Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
2007 Yoga Physiology & Injury Prevention (10h) Dr. Roger Cole
2007 Body Reading & Issues in the Tissues (28h) Tom Meyers
2007 Anatomy Trains (17h) Carrie Gaynor
Yoga in Toronto Conference 2007 Yoga Therapy Principles (3 hr) with Mark Whitwell
Yoga in Toronto Conference 2006 Yoga Therapy (3 hr) with Gary Kraftsow
Women’s Place 2006 Information Counselor Training (32h) Toronto,Ontario
Advanced Yoga Training (350+h) 1994-1995, Constantine Darling British Columbia
For more Information, E-mail call or text 289-928-7292